
Plant Maintenance

plant maintenance facility 2


Hardwood mulch is sold by the cubic yard and put into the plant beds and tree ring to a depth of two-three inches. Mulch is of a good store bought quality and deep in color. One or two applications of a shredded hardwood bark is applied to plant beds and tree rings. Beds are edged before applications. Trees are welded to retain moisture and prevent insect encroachment. (Twice)


One or two applications of a shredded hardwood bark is applied This refers to the turning over of existing mulch and redefining beds and tree rings. This is a labor-only service, and does not include adding mulch. This service improves the appearance but reduces expenditures.

Chemical Weed Control

Plant and tree rings are sprayed with Roundup during the season to control post-emergent weeds. This is safe for plants and controls all weeds. Also, granular product application such as Ronster, Surflan or Turflan can be used. (Spring)

Hand Weeding

Physical removal by hand of weeds or plants from beds in hard to get areas or ground cover beds. There is an hourly rate for this service.

Maintenance Type Pruning

Refers to the shaping or pruning of shrubs that involves the removal of plant growth that occurs during the season. Natural pruning techniques will be used. Includes shrubs, ground covers, perennials and low level tree trimming. Branches are cleared as required. Usually several occurrences over the season are recommended. (April-Sept)

Renewal Pruning

Heavy, excessive cutting back of shrubs and trees to provide a more maintainable plant. Usually performed during the off-season. Note: pruning of large trees can be performed upon request. All pruning performed by our firm is done from the ground level.

Clean Up

General removal of loose debris/leaves from planting beds. Dumped in the woods or taken to the landfill.

Debris Removal

Large piles of clipping and branches are dumped into the woodlands or taken to the landfill. There is a charge for physical removal.

Edging Beds

Plant beds and tree rings are edged by hand to a depth of two-three inches and cleaned to form a nice clean edge. Then mulch is put down.


Balanced products like 14-14-14 100% slow release are put into plant beds either before or after mulching. Always worth the money if you want plant growth.

Bed Weed Control

Granular slow release products of different chemical nature that last four to six weeks are applied before or after new mulch is applied. Pre-M 0-0-8, a 1.5% product is a good chemical.